The situation of people with autism is still very difficult in Poland. The JiM Foundation is fighting to improve it.
Several hundred people are involved in the direct activities of the JiM Foundation - mainly doctors, psychologists, therapists, teachers, volunteers. And also people providing help in crisis, pressing for legal changes. And people building autism awareness every day.
In 2020, we conducted 400 diagnoses at the Foundation. Only to the JiM clinic from all over Poland 37 adults were referred for autism diagnosis. Our plan is 1000 diagnoses per year. We will realize it! - Thanks to the support of Donors.
The wait for diagnosis is still too long in Poland.
We have won a contract with the National Health Service. However, in the case of JiM's diagnosis, it covers only about 50 percent of the costs. In 2020, thanks to the generosity of JiM Donors, JiM's clinical activities were able to be bolstered by 800 thousand zloty. Thanks to this, we did not slow down for a moment during the global pandemic. All scheduled diagnoses took place. None of the several hundred people missed therapy. Therapists and teachers worked even more during the pandemic. They not only fought for the independence of their charges, but also prepared materials and online broadcasts for specialists and parents nationwide. This was possible thanks to the Donors. We thank everyone for every zloty donated!
The TeleJiM team works continuously. JiM employees answer questions from people on the spectrum, parents and caregivers from all over the country. They advise, find solutions, and accept interventions. A psychologist is waiting in the emergency room. Do you have a problem to solve? - Call us, we will do our best to help you: TeleJiM 789 288 996.
The advocacy team has been laboriously forging legal changes. Last year it made hundreds of calls, meetings and phone calls. It has written dozens of letters. The result? All of the presidential candidates endorsed the Autism 400,000 Declaration, in which they pledged to influence favorable legal changes. This is just the beginning - we're not slowing down, we're continuing to work.
The team also intervenes in crisis situations. Such as in the case of Martin on the autism spectrum detained by the police, who was threatened with a case in court for failing - according to the police - to comply with the sanitary regime. Thanks to our intervention, the case was settled.
90 percent of crisis interventions are related to acts of discrimination - in schools, in the process of diagnosis and disability adjudication. You can report your case on TeleJiM or here:
These are just some of our activities. Let's also mention "Quiet Hours," developed painstakingly over three years in hours of corporate talks with three nationwide chains. "Quiet Hours" have been introduced in all 1,600 stores of these three chains nationwide. We thank them very much! We are acting together. Poles' knowledge and acceptance of people with autism is steadily growing!
Every day, someone from the JiM crew fights to ensure that the problems of people with autism continue to be talked about. For as many Poles as possible to know and accept people on the spectrum. For as many people as possible to support them, including financially. Making a donation is also a form of support and showing acceptance for people with autism.
These are just some of our activities.
Money is needed for all of them.
Act. Contribute. Join us. A better world for people with autism will not build itself.
JiM Foundation
We are the organizer-host of the Autism-Europe Congress, which will be held in Krakow. Come, together with 2000 participants from all over the world we will move things in Poland a big step forward. You have to be there, it's next year!