KRS 0000127075
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KRS 0000127075
789 288 996

JiM Foundation wings Piotrkowska Street

On December 3 we will set off to Piotrkowska Street to look for the angels of Lodz! We will be helped by the winged ones: a Nobel Prize-winning writer, a brilliant pianist, a prominent theater director, famous poet, the richest businessman in Lodz, and even Marcel Szytenchelm.



Place: Reymont's Trunk, Lodz 137 Piotrkowska St.

Deadline: December 3, Thursday, 1 pm.

"GET ANGELS" is a nationwide social campaign of the JiM Foundation. We are looking for Angels for our children.
For this purpose we will stand for them on stilts, we will distribute angelic halos on Piotrkowska Street,
for those interested in the subject we have prepared simple instructions "How to become an angel", and our volunteers
and parents together with the most famous statuesque celebrities in Lodz will relentlessly look for local angels.
We will be supported by Marcel Szytenchelm, the originator and creator of the Gallery of Great Lodzers.

We have also planned the launch of another remarkable fourth calendar of the Foundation.
Its pages feature children with autism and their parents.

We take everything very seriously because autism is a huge social problem.
It is diagnosed as early as 1 child in 100.

We would like to invite you to the USKRZYDLANIE PIOTRKOWSKIEJ :).

See you there!

See also
Ty też możesz pomóc Już 1 osoba na 100 jest w spektrum. Zmień życie osób autystycznych na lepsze. Pomagam