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JiM Training

Upcoming trainings / workshops / webinars




Szkolna przygoda: tworzenie przyjaznego środowiska dla dzieci neuroatypowych Poznaj najlepsze praktyki, które pomagają stworzyć środowisko edukacyjne sprzyjające rozwojowi dzieci w spektrum autyzmu i ADHD.
Online 25.04.2024
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Diagnozowanie osób dorosłych w spektrum autyzmu PRZYJMOWANIE ZGŁOSZEŃ ZOSTAŁO ZAKOŃCZONE Z prof. Jeremy Parr'em porozmawiamy zatem z naszym ekspertem o tym jak diagnozować osoby dorosłe i jakie narzędzia mogą nam w…
Online 28.03.2024
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Najlepsze strategie wsparcia dziecka z ADHD w domu i w szkole PRZYJMOWANIE ZGŁOSZEŃ ZOSTAŁO ZAKOŃCZONE Z prof. Janą Kreppner porozmawiamy nie tylko o diagnozie, ale także o skutecznych formach wsparcia zarówno dla dzieci jak i…
Online 29.02.2024
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Diagnoza kobiet w spektrum autyzmu i ADHD PRZYJMOWANIE ZGŁOSZEŃ ZOSTAŁO ZAKOŃCZONE Webinar poprowadzi dr Lotta Borg Skoglund.
Online 25.01.2024
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Organized training / workshops / webinars ↓.


ONLINE TRAINING - SEXUALITY OF PEOPLE ON THE AUTISM SPECTRUM Learn how to respond to expressions of sexuality in people on the autism spectrum. Online May 13, 2020
ONLINE TRAINING - AUTISM. LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD OF THE SPECTRUM Gain knowledge about reliable diagnosis, effective therapy methods in autism or coping with difficult behaviors. Take advantage of the training and learn more about autism. Online June 30, 2020
ONLINE TRAINING - VB-MAPP FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Learn how to conduct a language skills assessment and plan early behavioral intervention using VB-MAPP and other tools. Online August 18, 2020
ONLINE TRAINING - 7 STEPS OF COMMAND CONTROL ACCORDING TO. R. SCHRAMM Gain specialized knowledge and learn from the experts. During the training you will learn 7 effective principles of working with a child developed by Robert Schramm. Online April 29, 2020
ONLINE TRAINING - INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL-THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM (IPET) FOR A CHILD WITH ASD Learn how to create and implement Individualized Educational and Therapeutic Programs. Online May 28, 2020
ONLINE WORKSHOP - NEUROTYPICAL SIBLINGS: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS IN THE FAMILY An online workshop on building family relationships led by a JiM Foundation Specialist. Online September 30, 2020
WEBINAR - HOW TO COPE WITH AUTISM? Gain knowledge about reliable diagnosis, effective therapy methods in autism, coping with stress or manifestations of sexuality. Take advantage of the webinar and learn more about autism. Online July 09, 2020
WEBINAR - GET TO KNOW. FIND. HELP. WHAT DOES THE WORLD OF AUTISM LOOK LIKE? Before you judge, get to know. Find out what the world of people with autism looks like. Online July 17, 2020
WEBINAR - RETURNING TO SCHOOL FOR A CHILD WITH AUTISM Returning to school for children with ASD can be a challenge. Learn how to support your mentee. Online August 28, 2020
WEBINAR - AUTISM. ABOUT INTIMACY DURING THE HOLIDAYS The holidays are a beautiful, but also challenging time for children with autism and their families. Learn what to do to make them carefree and spent in harmony with each other. Online December 22, 2020
ONLINE TRAINING - SAZ TECHNIQUES IN GROUP WORK Gain skills that will help you use Applied Behavior Analysis to work with groups/special classes. Online November 28, 2020

Regulations for training / workshops / webinars

Before signing up for a JiM Foundation training, workshop or event, please read the applicable rules and regulations. more

Trainings / workshops / regular events

In addition to the trainings and workshops that are currently available, we conduct trainings, workshops and regular events. These cover the most important topics related to the autism spectrum.

Information about scheduled recurring events, appear on our website well in advance, so be sure to check our website regularly. We also invite you to sign up for our newsletter to receive notification of emerging trainings and more, to stay up to date with JiM events.

III-STEP APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS TRAINING Learn the world's first choice method of therapy for autism. Take a step on the road to certification as an Applied Behavior Analysis therapist! Read more
TRAINING - FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS Gain skills to perform functional diagnosis using the VB-MAPP questionnaire. Learn how to interpret the results of the diagnosis and select goals for therapy MORE
TRAINING - AUTISM. LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD OF THE SPECTRUM Gain knowledge about reliable diagnosis, effective therapy methods in autism or coping with difficult behaviors. Take advantage of the training and learn more about autism. Read more
TRAINING - SEXUALITY OF PEOPLE ON THE AUTISM SPECTRUM Learn how to respond to manifestations of sexuality of persons on the autism spectrum. How to develop sexual awareness of people on the autism spectrum with intellectual disabilities and how to cooperate with their parents and caregivers. Read more
WEBINAR - GET TO KNOW. FIND. HELP. WHAT DOES THE WORLD OF AUTISM LOOK LIKE? Before you judge, get to know. Find out what the world of autism looks like.

Regulations for training / workshops / webinars


Before signing up for a JiM Foundation training, workshop or event, please read the applicable rules and regulations. more


Organize your training with the support of JiM


Didn't find the training you are interested in? At the moment, we organize all trainings online. If you are interested in conducting such a training, please email and organize the training with the full support of the JiM Foundation!



Training on the autism spectrum, forms of therapy or coping with raising a child with autism can be organized by anyone. The JiM Foundation will provide full support and assistance in organizing the event. We believe that only by providing reliable knowledge can we build acceptance for our children!

Do you want to organize a training or workshop? Write to us!

Ty też możesz pomóc Już 1 osoba na 100 jest w spektrum. Zmień życie osób autystycznych na lepsze. Pomagam