Parents of children with disabilities sometimes cry, wring their hands, raise them as if blaming fate. Sometimes they feel anger and even rage. It happens to JiM parents, too. But on World Autism Awareness Day we joyfully We dance
On April 2, people around the world are doing a lot to bring awareness about autism. That autism, is a huge social problem. That it is diagnosed as early as 1 child in 100. That early diagnosis and and consistent therapy can effectively help. That our children have the right to treatment, education. The right to work!
JiM is also giving back this year. A huge JiM light bulb with the inscription 1/100 (1 child in 100 is already diagnosed with autism) will stand in five Polish cities. JiM parents, their friends and acquaintances, therapists, volunteers and all JiM fans will gather around it. Together we will give such a show that everyone's jaws will drop!
The eyes of all will be on us. We will not break our hands, we will not cry. We will show that a parent of a child with autism is cheerful and smiling. That you can raise a disabled child and be a happy person. That autism, is not the end of the world.
We will dance joyfully.
May JiM be with you!