We went to the program in the following composition: *Iwona Kapturzak, Frank's mom, coordinator of the JiM parent club in Warsaw, hot July in our Calendar. *Bogusia Budna, mom of four wonderful kids, including Józek with autism, coordinator of the Club in Olsztyn, by the way a lovely calendar April. And me, that is, *Tomek Michalowicz, modestly perched on the edge of the couch 🙂
The girls gave the talk. They prepared the presenters before the talk, and then energetically told the audience about the everyday life of a parent with autism. I managed to advertise the growing JiM parent clubs in Poland, so I was also pleased. Although, as usual in such a program, the time was baavery short. I also took the time to thank Monica Richardson for her support, for participating in the Calendar, and for letting us talk about it on the air. Once again, thank you very much.
We went to Questions for Breakfast to give encouragement to parents of children with autism.
Judge for yourself if it was successful.
You can watch the program here: